Say Something is a youth violence prevention program from the national nonprofit organization Sandy Hook Promise (SHP), which provides the program and training at no cost. The system is the only anonymous system and National Crisis Center exclusively serving schools. Critical to its proven success is the Say Something training that teaches youth and adults the warning signs of potential violence and self-harm.
Say Something allows youth and adults to submit secure & anonymous safety concerns to help at-risk individuals BEFORE they hurt themselves or others.
Please use the Say Something system to report situations of imminent harm or danger. School administrators and law enforcement will follow up immediately.
The Say Something Anonymous Reporting System is easy and completely confidential.
How to Submit a Tip
Submit a Tip: Through a Secure Website
Call the Hotline: 1-844-5-SayNow
Get the App: From Google Play or Apple Store
Follow Up: Request Information on the tip you submitted.

How Does It Work?
Submit an anonymous tip 24/7 through the website, app or by phone
Receive a Report ID and Password if you would like to follow-up on your report
Crisis Center reviews, assesses and processes all submissions
Crisis Center sends all submissions to law enforcement and/or school administration for intervention
If needed, crisis center may contact you anonymously through the app or by case number follow-up
Crisis center posts status of submission with case number as case progresses and closes
Examples of the most common behaviors and incidents reported:
Abuse (physical, verbal)
Bullying or regular intimidation
Bragging about an upcoming planned attack
Depression, anxiety or loss of self-control
Gun Violence / Violence
Hopelessness, excessive guilt or worthlessness
Reckless behavior
Social isolation or withdrawal
Substance abuse
Suicide threats, cutting or other self-harm
Weapons (use of and/or discussion about)